“Ducks Unlimited has done a really fabulous job here restoring an old beaver meadow, and based upon all the critters who showed up in the brief period it was flooded this summer,” said Cliff Maclean, vice chair of Hastings Stewardship Council.
Ducks Unlimited created a large wetland on the Maclean property on Leslie Road, Plainfield in the City of Belleville.
Heather and Cliff Mclean are very excited about what they will see at the new wetland next year.
“We spent numerous hours down on the new dam built by Ducks Unlimited, watching many species we had never seen before,” said Cliff. “It was literally teeming with life of all kinds, and it was a delight just to be there. It brought to mind many times, the last lines from Robert Browning’s poem “Pippa’s Song”,
The year ‘s at the spring,
And day ‘s at the morn;
Morning ‘s at seven;
The hill-side ‘s dew-pearl’d;
The lark ‘s on the wing;
The snail ‘s on the thorn;
God ‘s in His heaven —
All ‘s right with the world!
To find out more about Ducks Unimited Canada works to reduce the loss of wetlands and to create new ones. Find out more about why wetlands aare important and how wetlands filter water, provide habits moderate floods climate change and erosion and are essential habitat for as many as 600 species and have the potential for removing and storing greenhouse gases from the Earth’s atmosphere.
To find out more about visiting the wetland and the old growth forest go to
Moira Ridge Farms.

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