Spring is rapidly approaching and with it all the dangers associated
with cold, fast-flowing water. Quinte Conservation Education
Coordinator, Maya Navrot warns, “As snow and ice begin to melt, local
waterways including lakes, rivers, streams and drains begin to fill up
with cold, often fast-moving water.” She adds, “Children are often
interested in exploring rushing streams and thawing ponds during the
warmer days of spring. Strong spring currents, unstable ice cover and
slippery riverbanks can be a real danger to them.”
Quinte Conservation is urging all parents and caregivers to ensure that
children do not play along local waterways.
Navrot adds that spring water safety activity sheets are available for
download from
Quinte Conservation. Please clic “Activities and Events”.
“We have activity sheets appropriate for children from
Kindergarten to grade six,” said Navrot. The awareness building exercises include
colouring sheets, crossword puzzles, word searches and more.
Quinte Conservation is a community-based environmental protection
agency. It serves 18 municipalities in the watersheds of the Moira,
Napanee and Salmon Rivers, and Prince Edward County. It provides cost
effective environmental expertise and leadership that develops and
delivers programs to ensure the healthy coexistence between the
community, its environment and its economy. More information
is available at Quinte Conservation.

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