It’s hard to believe we are in our last month of 2021 — what a year it’s been! Like the rest of the world, Harvest Hastings has been adapting to our changing circumstances and we have lots of great plans to share with you at our next virtual AGM on Tuesday, January 25 at 8 p.m. More details to come!
We Need You!
We are looking for new board members! Harvest Hastings is about farming and forestry, and the creative people who grow food, work with wood and make unique products. If you have time and energy that you would like to devote to promoting sustainability, land stewardship, food security, and community-building, please join us at the AGM, become a member, and run for office!
We are always looking for new members to join the Harvest Hastings community! Tell your friends and neighbours about us!

Annual membership includes:
- Your business’s detailed profile and picture published in 3,000 copies of our annual magazine, distributed throughout Hastings County and beyond
- A prominent listing on
- Full voting rights at Harvest Hastings AGM and participation at meetings and special events
- One-on-one help to add and manage your business on Google Maps and a Free Website on Google My Business with local web developer Word and Data
- Shout-outs and promotion for your business on Facebook, Instagram and other social media
Go to this link to become a member!
Another important date to add to your 2022 calendar!
Next year, Harvest Hastings will proudly act as a regional community host for the annual “Selling Food to Ontario” conference that is organized by OMAFRA. Stay tuned for more details about workshops, panelists and how to register!

Please let us know about upcoming events related to agriculture and forestry in your area so we can share with our members! Email [email protected]